Citizen Science
»...for more Hanse-knowledge in and with the public!«
Hanseatic history is a popular topic: the far-reaching union of cities over the centuries occupies researchers and citizens alike. The study of the original manuscripts, from which we draw our knowledge about this fascinating historical phenomenon, has so far been firmly in the hands of Hanseatic historians. Today, interested citizens can become involved in our research as Citizen Scientists.
Museum Night 2023 - Workshop »Read.Hanse.Sources!«
Would you like to work like a historian and immerse yourself in the early modern manuscripts of the Hanseatic period? This is possible in the workshop »Read.Hanse.Sources!«
We work with printed sources as well as in digital format. The workshop offers the transfer of historical manuscripts into today's script. The workshop is part of our Citizen Science project of the same name, »Read.Hanse.Sources!«, in which we have been working together with volunteers on valuable original documents from the Hanseatic era since 2020. The open offer is aimed at curious young Hanseatic researchers and anyone who would like to work with sources on Hanseatic history themselves.
No previous knowledge is necessary. You should allow about 15-30 minutes.
Who will succeed in deciphering the sources?
Citizen Science - projects
With our project »Read.Hanse.Sources!« we are breaking new ground in cooperation with the Archive of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck (AHL). Since spring 2020, citizens have been invited to participate in the transcription of manuscripts on Hanseatic history that have not yet been published and were previously only accessible in archives. The digitised sources were made available by the archive.
Using the EU-funded software »Transkribus« for working with historical manuscripts, it was possible to involve citizens in the research process for the first time in Hanseatic historiography.
Past Events
3rd Citizen Science Day
On 28th April 2023, our third Citizen Science Day, a cooperation of the Research Centre for the History of the Hanseatic League and the Baltic Sea Region (FGHO) and the Archive of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck, took place. We are delighted about the many newcomers, the positive feedback and thank all participants for the wonderful day!
All information can be found here:
2nd Citizen Science-Day
April 8th · 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
On April 8th, our second »Hanse.Quellen.Lesen! Citizen Science-Day« took place, a joint event of the Research Centre for the History of the Hanseatic League and the Baltic Sea Region (FGHO) and the Archive of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck (AHL).
We were very pleased about the lively exchange and dialogue between researchers, citizens and sources!
We were able to bring together researchers, citizens and sources, to invite them to look behind the scenes of the academic world and to get involved themselves.
In addition to the opportunity to work with Hanseatic sources and decipher the old manuscripts, we also visited the Archive of Lübeck, which brought our visitors face to face with the valuable original documents.
All information is available here:
1st Citizen Science-Day
On October 22nd 2021, the first »Read.Hanse.Sources!« Citizen Science-Day took place at the European Hanse Museum. During the all-day event, lectures gave an insight into Hanseatic research, our project work and how we deal with the sources. In workshops, new Citizen Scientists and experienced transcribers were able to deal intensively with the backgrounds of the opened sources and discuss the observations from the reading of the sources with each other. The programme of the Citizen Science-Day can be viewed here.