Paper presentations (selection)
- „Hanse: Ein historisches Phänomen und seine Wirkung bis heute“, Symposium „Zugänge zur Hanse“ at the European Hansemuseum Lübeck, financed by the programme "LübeckHoch3", Lübeck, 21 November 2022
- „Der Braunschweiger Tuchhandel in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit“, conference „1000 Jahre Braunschweig“, Braunschweig, 3-4 November 2022
- “The German Hanse. Conflict and Consensus in Northern European Policy Making” – Lecture at The Memling Research Centre, Gdansk University, 28. October 2022
- “Konsens als Funktionsprinzip niederdeutscher Städte- und Hansetage”, 43. Kölner Mediaevistentagung, 5-9 September 2022
- “What’s in a Name? Toponyms and their Scope of Meaning in Hanse trade”, EuroWeb Conference, Braga, Portugal, 29 June-1 July 2022
- Keynote „Schrödinger’s Hanse? Reflections on the state, role, and capacity of the German Hanse in the 16th c.”, conference “Hansards and the World”, Amsterdam University, 12-13 May 2022
- “Die Marke vor der Marke“, conference „Ars Vendendi: Rhetorik und Praktiken des Verkaufens im Mittelalter“, annual conference of the Konstanzer Arbeitskreises für mittelalterliche Geschichte e.V., Insel Reichenau, 15-18 March 2022
- „Die Hanse als Staatsersatz? Zur Bedeutung der Hansestädte in der vormodernen Wirtschaftsentwicklung“, GSWG, Wien (virtuell), 7.-9. April 2021
- „Warum Stralsund?“, Tagung des Netzwerks Kunst und Kultur der Hansestädte zum 650. Jubiläum des Stralsunder Friedens: „Seit 650 Jahren: Warum Stralsund? Warum Frieden?“, Stralsund, 27.-29. Oktober 2021
- „Das hansische Tagfahrtensystem vom 14.-17. Jahrhundert“, Jahrestagung des hansischen Geschichtsvereins „Hansetage und die Anfänge des „Parlamentarismus“ im späten Mittelalter“, Magdeburg, 18.-20. November 2021
- „From the Household to the Factory: Modes of textile production for Hanse trade”, EuroWeb Online Conference, 25.-26. November 2021
- “Standardising northern textiles” - Seminar at the University of Tallinn, 6.-7. February 2020, Tallinn, Estland
- Keynote Speaker of the Virtual Student Conference "Business as medieval?", 1. September 2020, Kiel, Germany
- “Hanserecesse – Hanse Law? Exploring the legal nature of the records of the Hanse diets, 1358–1669” - Conference of the American Legal History Society (ALHS), 20.–23. November 2019, Boston, MA, USA
- „Baltic Textile Trade – A Story in Seals“ - Annual Convention of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 4.–7. September 2019, Bern, Switzerland
- „Hansetage: Entstehung, Entwicklung und Funktionsweise“ - Summer School „Tagfahrten im Vergleich“, organised by the FGHO (Dr. A. Huang) and the University of Kiel (Prof. Oliver Auge) at the European Hansemuseum, August 2019, Lübeck, Germany
- “Seeking Stability in a Changing World” - Conference “The Hansa Phenomenon”, Yaroslav the Wise University, 20.–22. May 2019, Novgorod, Russia
- „Der Rezess von 1669. Der Totenschein der Hanse?“ - Convention of the Historische Kommission für Niedersächsische Landesgeschichte and the HGV about the late years of the Hansa. 3.-4. May 2019, Bremen, Germany
- „Der zwischenstädtische Rentenkauf im Hanseraum, 14.-16. Jh.“ - III. German Congress for Economical and Social History, Main topic „Mobilität und Migration in historischer Perspektive“, 20.–22. March 2019, Regensburg, Germany
- „The German Hanse. Well-remembered, but little understood” & Round Table Discussion “Troubling Europe” – International Medieval Congress, 2.-5. July 2018, Leeds, Great Britain
- „What is Hanse?“ - Economic and Business History Conference, 29. May-2. June 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland
- “Die Märkte der Altmark” - Annual Congress of the HGV, 21.-24. May 2018, Stendal, Germany
- „Premodern Infrastructure“ - Economic History Seminar, Groningen University, 8. May 2018, Groningen, Netherlands
- “What is Hanse?” - Seminar at the University of Aarhus, 23. March 2018, Aarhus, Denmark
- “Museum Practice and Research: The Research Centre for Hanse and Baltic Studies at the European Hansemuseum Lübeck e.V.” – Conference “Europe Contested”, 22.-24. November 2017, Nimwegen, Netherlands
- “Textile trade and proto-industrialisation“ - ENIUGH Conference, 31. August-3. September 2017, Budapest, Hungary
- „Die Hanserezesse – Problem- und Bedarfsanalyse” - Workshop „Probleme um die Edition städtischer und hansischer Quellen“, organised by the HGV and the Copernicus-Vereinigung für Geschichte und Landeskunde Westpreußens, 17.-18. March 2017, Lübeck, Gernaby
- “The Costs of Information. Inter-city communication and cooperation, 14th-16th c.” - Conference “The Costs of Information” at the SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen, 17.-18. November 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
- „Wohin mit all dem Geld? Lübecker Rentengeschäfte im spätmittelalterlichen Hanseraum“ - Festkolloquium for Prof. Rolf Hammel-Kiesow, 29. June 2016, Lübeck, Germany
- “Open Markets in Medieval Germany” - Workshop “Openness and Secrecy in Medieval Germany”, 18.-19. April 2016, Durham, Great Britain
- “An Institutional Analysis of Northern European Commodity Trade , 12th-16th c. Landscapes of production?” - European Social Sciences History Conference, 30. March – 2. April 2016, Valencia, Spain
- „Städtische Rentengeschäfte und städteübergreifende Kreditbeziehungen, 14.-16. Jh.” - 3. Annual Convention of the Arbeitskreis für spätmittelalterliche Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 3.-4. December 2015, Cologne, Germany
- “Coping with Commercialisation: Institutions for Product Quality in Force at Late Medieval Commodity Markets” - Seminar for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Leiden, 16. October 2015, Leiden, Netherlands
- „Die Hanse im 15. Jahrhundert. Ein Netzwerk von Gewinnern?“ - 50. Historikertag, 23.-26. September 2014, Göttingen, Germany
- „Textilhandel im hansischen Handelsnetzwerk: Der Nutzen wirtschafts- und sozialgeschichtlicher Modelle bei der Erforschung überregionalen Konsumgüteraustauschs im Spätmittelalter“ - Conference „Neue Methoden der spätmittelalterlichen Wirtschaftsgeschichte“, 15.–16. November 2013, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
- „Die Textilien des Hanseraums. Produktion und Distribution einer spätmittelalterlichen Fernhandelsware“ - Annual Convention of the HGV, 20.-23. May 2013, Wismar, Germany
- “Hansestädtische Tuchproduktion im internationalen Handel des 15. Jahrhunderts” - Medieval History Seminar of the GHI Washington DC, 13.–16. October 2011, Washington DC, USA
- „Elbing im preussischen Tuchhandel um 1400“ - Annual Convention of the Historische Kommission für ost- und westpreussische Landesgeschichte, 31. August – 3. September 2011, Elbing, Poland
- “Bericht: Doktorandenworkshop ‘Mehr als Koggen und Kaufleute’“ - Annual Convention of the HGV, 24.-26. Mai 2010, Halle a. d. Saale, Germany
2010-2013: “Die Textilien des Hanseraums.”
PhD Project, funded by the Danish Research Council and carried out at the University of Copenhagen. The project explored the prevalence of a export-orientated textile production in the hanseatic region, especially in the hanseatic cities. Main focus was the turnover of their canvas production in London.
2014-2017: "Coping with Commercialization in Medieval Commodity Trade."
The project investigated the emergence and development of municipal institutions coordinating markets for goods and credit in the Northern European economic region. Individual Research Project, funded by the Danish Research Council, awarded the DFF Sapere Aude Research Talent Award.
2017-2019: "Die Rezesse der niederdeutschen Städtetage"
Project management "Die Rezesse der niederdeutschen Städtetage". The project produces an inventory of ‘recesse’ of urban diets of Low German towns (Hanse towns). Beyond that: Supervision of a postdoctoral researcher in the development, conceptualization and planning of a collective research project on urban meeting culture in the Hanse area with a Digital Humanities focus. Though to a certain degree of a conceptual nature, the project has already made a number of archival materials on Hanse meeting culture accessible online.
2018-2020: "Viabundus - Vormoderne Fernhandelsstraßen und regionale Wegenetze"
Co-leader of the research project (PI, project coordination, networking of partners) “Vormoderne Infrastruktur im Digitalen Zeitalter”, with Dr. Niels Petersen, Institut für Historische Landesforschung Göttingen. Co-applicant and project coordinator of the core project, funded by Pro*Niedersachsen (161 000 EUR). GIS project to provide economic history research with digital information on fixed and temporal premodern infrastructure. Product: Digital map of premodern trade roads. The project continues through various regional sub-project.
2020-2024: "EuroWeb"
The COST-Action "Europe Through Textiles: Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities" fosters a pan-European network of scholars and stakeholders from academia, museums, conservation, cultural and creative industries. They join forces to bridge current cultural, political and geographical gaps and facilitate interdisciplinary research leading to inspirational material for experts in the allied and applied disciplines of fashion, art and design. Angela Huang is one of the German Management Committee Members and Digital Atlas Leader.
2020-2021: "HansaLink"
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region-Project 'HansaLink' is a cooperation between FGHO, the Association HanseVerein, the Gotlands Museum in Visby and the Russian town of Nowgorod. The aim is to express a common Hanseatic heritage by creating tangible thematic routes linked to specific Hanseaby jointly developing transnational links based on historic trade routes.